I’ve always liked the stained glass art where glass is set into a large piece of driftwood and stood vertically in the ground.
The roofs of the houses we live in have a big heavy timber ridge beam that’s about 11”x 3” cross section. When lofts are converted, the beam is removed and replaced with a steel beam. I thought that a length of this beam could be used with a piece of stained glass and be shaped (carved, even) to be a little more interesting.
The first obelisk was a success - with a great deal of learning! As time has gone on I have developed ways of working. Check out the ‘How It’s Done’ section for more details.
You can see all of the obelisks I have made in the gallery - click in the menu or below to go through and see some pictures!
I’d love to make more of these obelisks and would welcome enquiries to andysglass252@gmail.com. An obelisk typically costs between £250 and £700 plus transport, depending on the size, complexity and degree of work required.